I coach on a voluntary basis—anywhere from the 1500m up to the 10km distance. Of course, I'm not officially (IAAF) recognized, this is more of a side hobby. In high school, I used to run competitively for Raffles Institution (800m/ cross country).
My training philosophy (as with most things in life): consistency pays. Train smart, consistently and sustainably. Know your body and practise intensity control.
I read up on sports science research papers in my free time, so feel free to contact me if you want to bounce ideas. I have a working list of ideas that I'm thinking about here.
Running Now
Completed a 2.4km training block that reduced ~20s on effective run time through Jan Hoff's 4 x 4'/3' protocol. Analysis to come later.
Ideas include: building data visualisers from Strava data, integrating ML for analysis.
Some things I've created
- 2.4km Training Guide (top google search result): A comprehensive, detailed guide on acing the 2.4km run test, targetted towards beginners.
- A Notion Database of folks + companies in the sports science industry
- Preventing Overtraining: Achieving Sustainable Growth
- An all-in-one running calculator for zonal training using paces
- Running Made Simple
- A script to sync Strava club activities to Google Sheets, hosted on Heroku
The following people do the best job at explaining physiology concepts on Twitter
- Dr Scott Carlin (physical therapist, strength exercises for runners)
- Brady Holmer (author of Physiologically Speaking newsletter)
- Daniel Rowland (sports science research)
- Stephen Seiler (physiology specialist)
- Alan Couzens (physiology specialist / dev)
- Inigo San Milan (physiology)
- Marco Altini (founder of HRV4Training)